As a Christ following student the insights revealed in your report are invaluable to strengthening your present and future Kingdom effectiveness. Everything in the Christian walk is to be an act of worship.

We recognize the importance of character, morality, and values in your Christian walk. We are bringing to light the critical competencies that enable a life of Kingdom purpose and enriching experiences for yourself and others.

Here’s a summary of the competencies evaluated:

  • Self-Awareness (accurately know yourself)

  • Self-Management (with focus on Managing Emotions)

  • Responsible Decision Making (with focus on Rationality)

  • Relationship Skills (with focus on Building Relations)

  • Social Awareness (with focus on Confidence)

  • Learning Mindset (with focus on being Coachable)

  • Composure (with focus on Apprehension)

  • Candidness (an open, honest, and healthy view of self)

  • Sample BEST Walk Report

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